We are a school community, with a Christian ethos, dedicated to providing an education to inspire life-long learning.
St. Bartholomew’s school council is made up of two children from each class. The school councillors are voted for by their peers. Each class has a school council book where they write anything they would like discussed and where they can see minutes of each of our meetings and any follow up discussions they need to have. The school council meet fortnightly and so far we have collectively created some rules for conduct at sporting tournaments, contributed to the Crewkerne and Ilminster Schools Partnership document about how we would see our joint values lived out in the community and worked with the Rotary Club and Rotakids to organise a cake sale to raise money for water purifying boxes in Lybia and Morocco. In addition, the school council have carried out a bird watch and shown potential new EYFS children and their families around our school. The school council are also part of the school’s E-Safety Super Heroes Committee that meet once a term to discuss e-safety issues. The school council are also regularly involved in staff interviews.