Spirituality at St Bartholomew's
‘Looking in, Looking Out, Looking Up’
Why is spirituality important?
The Church of England’s Vision for Education states a core desire of ‘life in all it’s fullness’. As a Church of England school, it is essential that we educate and develop the whole child ensuring Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development. We explore Spirituality by providing our children with opportunities to be still and reflect. At St Bartholomew’s, Spirituality is defined as a personal experience that enables us to wonder at, reflect on and have deeper connections with others and the world. Overall, recognising and connecting with something that is bigger than us. As spiritual learners we are ‘looking in, looking out and looking up’ which awakens us to the energy of life and leaves our body and soul in awe and wonder.
Developing Spirituality in our school
Spiritual development is closely linked to our School Vision and develops a spiritual self in their most beautiful and powerful form. It provides children with opportunities to reflect and think about:
- Themselves (LOOKING IN)
- Their relationship with others (LOOKING OUT)
- God and Jesus’s teachings (LOOKING UP)
‘Through God’s love, (UP)
we are the rich soil (IN)
where roots grow and seeds flourish.’ (OUT)
‘May we (IN)
give them (OUT)
the roots to grow (IN/OUT)
and the wings to fly.’ (IN/OUT)
LOOKING IN at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
- Awareness of their own feelings and being able to reflect.
- Awareness of how unique they are and a happiness of who they are.
- Being THANKFUL for the things they have and the person they are.
- Exploration of personal faith
- Being sparkly eyed, kind hearted and broad minded
- Being resilient, imaginative and creative in their learning
LOOKING OUT at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
- Showing empathy and understanding in relation to injustice and inequality
- To love and be loved
- To Be More and make a difference
- Thinks beyond themselves and acts as an agent of change
- They wonder about life’s wows and ows (things that are amazing and things that are challenging)
- To be curious and explores life’s big questions and considers possible answers
- To be respectful of others spiritual moments
LOOKING UP at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
- Encountering and experiencing God
- Opportunities for prayer and reflection
- Making sense of the world
- Being open to more
- To be respectful of others spiritual moments
Our children encounter a wide range of opportunities to develop their spirituality throughout their time with us. These include, but are not limited to:
- A daily act of Collective Worship.
- Reflection tasks linked to Collective Worship.
- Collective worship participants, including leading worship
- Weekly awe and wonder collective worships
- Singing and a school Choir.
- A weekly act of Celebration Worship.
- Structured mindfulness.
- Providing regular experiences in the natural world.
- Prayer lines and boxes
- Reflection Areas in each classroom throughout school to encourage children to quietly reflect and prayer throughout the day.
- Regular visits to St Bartholomew’s Church to join in with services.
- Teaching morals through our School Values of RESPECT, COMPASSION, TRUST, FORGIVENESS, HOPE, ASPIRATION and COURAGE.
- Christian Value Trophies rewards and recognition.
- Forest School initiative offer opportunities for Awe and Wonder
- Providing a responsive curriculum that meets the needs for every individual in our school family
- A broad, balanced, enriched curriculum
- Time is given for planned and spontaneous spiritual moments
- ELSA offers opportunities for Awe and Wonder
- Children understand that mistakes will be forgiven in line with our School Value of Forgiveness.
Impact of Spirituality
In developing Spirituality our children flourish as respectful and compassionate citizens who seek to positively contribute to our local community and the world beyond. Our children will actively demonstrate our Christian virtues which are rooted in love. These are hope, aspiration, respect, trust, forgiveness, compassion and courage. They are self-aware and show empathy towards others in and out of school. Our children are curious, open-minded and can explore things in appropriate ways. They can express and understand feelings and have a strong moral sense of right and wrong. Although able to enjoy and embrace quiet and stillness, they possess an active imagination.
Spirituality helps our children gain ‘The roots to grow and the wings to fly.’