We are a school community, with a Christian ethos, dedicated to providing an education to inspire life-long learning.
Why is spirituality important?
The Church of England’s Vision for Education states a core desire of ‘life in all it’s fullness’. As a Church of England school, it is essential that we educate and develop the whole child ensuring Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development. We explore Spirituality by providing our children with opportunities to be still and reflect. Spirituality enables children at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school to be Happy, Healthy and Fulfilled.
Developing Spirituality in our school
Spiritual development is closely linked to our School Vision and provides children with opportunities to reflect and think about:
‘Through God’s love, (UP)
we are the rich soil (IN)
where roots grow and seeds flourish.’ (OUT)
‘May we (IN)
give them (OUT)
the roots to grow (IN/OUT)
and the wings to fly.’ (IN/OUT)
LOOKING IN at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
LOOKING OUT at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
LOOKING UP at St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary school means:
Our children encounter a wide range of opportunities to develop their spirituality throughout their time with us. These include, but are not limited to:
Impact of Spirituality
In developing Spirituality our children realise how wonderful they are and realise their own potential. They are self-aware and show empathy towards others in and out of school. Our children are curious, open-minded and can explore things in appropriate ways. They can express and understand feelings and have a strong moral sense of right and wrong. Although able to enjoy and embrace quiet and stillness, they possess an active imagination.
Spirituality helps our children gain ‘The roots to grow and the wings to fly.’