We are a school community, with a Christian ethos, dedicated to providing an education to inspire life-long learning.
Nurture is designed to be a warm and welcoming experience, that provides a consistent, predictable and safe place for children. It offers a variety of equational and domestic experiences aimed at supporting the development of a child’s relationship with their peers and with staff.
Nurture takes place at the ARK@Egwood. It is delivered by a trained professional at the site and supported by members of school staff.
The group follows key principles of PACE by Dan Hughes:
PLAYFULNESS: light, hopeful, open and spontaneous; provide opportunities for enjoyment
ACCEPTANCE: unconditionally directed at all of the experiences of the other; accept the young person, not necessarily their behaviour
CURIOSITY: non-judgemental, not knowing, active interest in other’s experiences; offer ways to help young people to reflect on their experiences.
EMPATHY: felt sense of other and communicated. Activily communicate that you want to experience what the young person is feeling.
These principles underpin everything we do in Nurture.
A teacher might identify a child with any of the above needs. A discussion would then take place with the Nurture Lead. If it is felt the child would benefit from a Nurture Group environment the class teacher will speak to the parent/carer.
The nurture group will help to boost confidence and self-esteem and provide children with extra skills to improve social skills and independence for example: