On this page you will be able to access a range of documents and policies.

As policies are agreed throughout the year, they will be amended from First school to Primary in line with our rolling programme, to reflect our new Primary status.

Paper copies can be obtained free of charge from our school office.  Please contact 01460 72829.

Policies and Key Documents

St Bartholomew’s Primary School are part of the Quantock Education Trust.  All Trust policies can be found on the website Quantock Education Trust – Trust Documents (quantockedtrust.co.uk)  Trust policies include but are not limited to the list below:

Statutory Trust Policies

Admissions Policy

Behaviour and Ethos

Capability of Staff

Charging and Remissions

Child Protection and Safeguarding (Part 1)


Data Protection/GDPR/Protections of children’s biometric information/Freedom of information

Equality information and objectives

Health and Safety

Local Policies

All local policies are held and updated at school level and the schedule for annual review monitored by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors.

Local school policies are available as PDF documents in the list below.