We are a school community, with a Christian ethos, dedicated to providing an education to inspire life-long learning.
St. Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School is a fully inclusive school and we are proud of the way that our school manages the needs of all children, including those who require Special Educational Needs support and/or have disabilities. During our last OFSTED inspection (November 2017) the effectiveness of support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities was stated as a ‘strength of the school’.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is: Mrs Lucy Edwards
Our SEN Governor is: Mr Stephen Gray
Our SENDCo is available to meet by appointment, in advance. All day to day matters are managed through the child’s class teacher. If you have require an appointment with our SENDCo, please contact the School Office on 01460 72829.
Our SENDCo is responsible for:
The Pre-assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway
The Pathway Document has been developed in collaboration with education, health and care, as well as carers, children and young people (CYP). It is designed to support education settings, like ours, other professionals and parent/carers, so that everyone understands the pre-assessment, assessment and post-assessment pathways. It is important that the Autism and ADHD Pathways are standardised and easily accessible. Please click on the tab below for further information.
Useful Services and Links for Parents/Families:
These sites are shared to signpost you to further support and information – St Bartholomew’s Primary School does not have any connection to the sites or gain financially from publishing these links on our website.
Somerset SENDIAS – SEN and Disability Information and Advice Service
Somerset Parent Carer Forum
UK Charities Directory
NHS Direct
CLIC Sargent
The Children’s Trust
CRUSE Bereavement care
For children with brain injury
For children with brain injury | The Children’s Trust (thechildrenstrust.org.uk)
Somerset integrated therapy service
I CAN – Children’s Communication Charity
British Dyslexia Association
Somerset Dyslexia Association